Price: RM199.00

Price: RM199.00 ( RM199.00 per box )

The Highly Nutrient-packed Tablet To Detox, Restore and Rejuvenate Your Life


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A Product Trusted By Thousands of Malaysians


Spi2ro cleanses the body resulting in the improvement of immune and digestive health

Spi2ro gets rid toxins from the colon which aids in weight loss

Spi2ro restores skin’s elasticity to promote radiance and youthful-looking glow

Spi2ro improves stamina and energy level by regulating red blood cells

Spi2ro nourishes the body to ensure that cells are working properly

Spi2ro is rich in nutrients, fiber, and antioxidants best for regaining body health


Thus, Spi2ro is a supplement that fights against body toxins which are relevant in making the body weak and one’s susceptibility to different health conditions.