Price: RM260.00

Price: RM260.00 ( RM260.00 per box )

Formulation preserve your natural beauty


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A Product Trusted By Thousands of Malaysians

Builds stronger and vibrant hair

Prevents hair thinning and hair loss

Protects hair root and follicles

Promotes smooth and firm skin

Improves dullness and brightens skin tone

Promotes strong and healthy nails


Hair, nail, and skin are some of the main factors that contribute to the physical attributes of a person, especially a woman. That is why most women invest time, effort, and money in making these parts of their body look glorious and healthy. 


While expensive cosmetics can temporarily cover the imperfect details, they can’t totally change the unhealthy hair, skin, and nail condition.

In case you are one of those who are suffering from aging skin, thinning or dry hair, and brittle, unhealthy nails, then it is time to consider including S-GLOW to your diet!